So here is how I set up the Hamskea Hybrid Pro rest. This is my preferred way of doing it and it may help some of you guys out who are having issues getting it to work. Take from this what you will. It's not the definitive way of doing it but I feel it's probably the best functioning way of setting it up.
Step 1. Remove the screw that is holding the spring in place. This will allow you to remove the activation arm from the rest body.
Step 2. I replace the screw that attaches the activation arm with a bit heavier duty bolt. This allows me to get a good tight mount when reattaching the activation arm. I prefer to use a bolt like this.
Step 3. Take the activation arm and flip it over. Put it back on the rest body and use the heavier duty bolt to secure it to the rest body.
Step 4. For this next part you will need a small washer and another small screw. This will go in the threaded hole on the activation arm. This will give you a secure location to attach your activation cord. I also highly recommend NOT using the supplied rest cord that comes with the rest. Its garbage. Use a thicker higher quality material. I prefer to use Pine Ridge Nitro Loop material for rest cords.
Step 5. Now remove the launcher blade. For this step I like to use a thin felt to cover the launcher. This quiets the rest and prevents premature wear of the teflon cover. Lay the blade down on the felt and trace around it. Cut it out and place it on the blade so that it slightly overlaps the edges. Now reinstall the launcher blade.
Step 6. Now you can mount the rest and set your rest height and center shot to your desired location for your bow. I prefer to swap out the supplied mounting bolt as well and use a standard size. Most allen wrench sets don't include that size so having a standard size bolt that I can easily tighten with a standard set of allen wrenches is best.
Step 7. Now you can attach your activation cord. I always start at the front of the cam closest to the riser. This is a good neutral starting position. l will use a standard d-loop knot to secure the cord to the limb. I will also tie around my knot a few times with some serving using over hand knots just for added security. I will grab the cord and pull on it several times to get a good cinch on the knot as well.
This is my personal bow. As you can see I have my cord mounted a bit further up toward the riser for my set up. This is where my personal bow tuned best.