Hazardous Waste Rules:
Waste Management and Radiation Control Laws and Rules
The Solid and Hazardous Waste Act, Utah Code Title 19 Chapter 6 part 1, provides the Department of Environmental Quality’s Waste Management and Radiation Control Board the authority to make rules to protect the public and environment. The Board has established the Hazardous Waste Management Rules.
The Director of the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control administers these rules. These rules contain requirements relating to persons or organizations that treat, store, transport, or disposal of hazardous waste.
Since the rulemaking process is continuing in nature, the reader is also directed to the Utah Administrative Rules Website where the reader can find the current administrative code, current and past additions of the Utah Bulletin, and code change effective since the last codification.
NOTE: References to CFR refer the Code of Federal Regulations (Hazardous Waste regulations are contained in 40 CFR 260 through 273).
Electronic copies of the Code of Federal Regulations can be accessed at the National Archives Code of Federal Regulations eCFR web page.
- R315-17
The purpose of this rule is to provide for the administration of the Mercury Switch Removal Act, Utah Code Annotated 19-6-1001, et seq.
- R315-101
This rule establishes information requirements to support risk-based cleanup and closure standards at sites for which remediation or removal of hazardous constituents to background levels will not be achieved. The procedures in this rule also provide for continued management of sites for which minimal risk-based standards cannot be met.
- R315-102
This rule establishes criteria to be used by the Director for determining amounts which may be sought in settlement of enforcement actions, and which may be accepted in settlement of enforcement actions.
- R315-103
This rule establishes criteria for siting of commercial hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities, including commercial hazardous waste incinerators.
- R315-124
This rule establishes the procedures for public participation in decisions made by the Director related to hazardous waste treatment storage and disposal.
- R315-260
This rule provides definitions of terms, general standards, and overview information applicable to hazardous waste treatment storage and disposal.
- R315-261
This rule identifies those solid wastes which are subject to regulation as hazardous wastes under Rules R315-262 through 265, 268, 270, 273, and 124 and which are subject to the notification requirements of these rules.
- R315-262
This rule establishes standards for generators of hazardous waste.
- R315-263
This rule establishes standards applicable to transporters of hazardous waste and standards applicable to emergency control of spills for all hazardous waste handlers.
- R315-264
The purpose of this rule is to establish minimum standards that define the acceptable management of hazardous waste.
- R315-265
The purpose of this rule is to establish minimum standards that define the acceptable management of hazardous waste during the period of interim status and until certification of final closure or, if the facility is subject to post-closure requirements, until post-closure responsibilities are fulfilled.
- R315-266
This rule establishes standards for recyclable materials that are applied to or placed on the land, recyclable materials used for precious metal recovery, reclaiming of spent lead acid batteries, hazardous waste burned in boilers and industrial furnaces, military munitions, and hazardous waste pharmaceuticals.
- R315-268
This rule identifies hazardous wastes that are restricted from land disposal and defines those limited circumstances under which an otherwise prohibited waste may continue to be land disposed.
- R315-270
This rule contains the requirements for owning, constructing, modifying, or operating any facility for the purpose of treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous waste.
- R315-273
This rule contains the requirement for managing universal waste.
For more information about the Hazardous Waste Rules, please contact Waste Management and Radiation Control (801) 536-0200.