Personal statement dos and don'ts

The personal statement is your opportunity to talk about you, and why you want to enrol on a particular course. Use these easy-to-digest bullet points to help you decide what you should and shouldn’t include in your personal statement.

Shona Barrie – Director of Admissions, University of Stirling

‘Do talk about you, why you’re a good candidate, your motivations, and what brings you to this course. Don’t start with a quote from someone else.’

If you're not already using ChatGPT or other AI tools, you've probably heard about them. But should they be used to help with your UCAS personal statements? Is it cheating? Or can they be helpful in crafting your personal statement?

UCAS asked admissions tutors – the people who read and score your personal statement – for their advice on what you should and shouldn’t do when writing your personal statement.

The most common piece of advice was not to worry about it – and don’t be tempted to copy anyone else’s.

Then follow our simple tips below.

