Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

Wildlife Protection Act

This article is written by Gursimran Kaur Bakshi , a student at the National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi and J. Suparna Rao from Ramaiah Institute of Legal Studies. This article analyses the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, and how it has impacted the development of wildlife protection in India.

Table of Contents


Every year, Earth Day is celebrated on 22nd April. This year the world celebrated the 51st Earth Day with the theme ‘ Restoring our Earth .’ India too celebrated this day. But in this same year, the news of how poaching of wildlife animals has doubled during the lockdown in India was also reported. This makes the theme truly realistic as it shows that we have lost touch with mother earth.

The Supreme Court of India in T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad v. Union Of India (2012) referred to a quote, “ The universe along with its creatures belongs to the Lord. No creature is superior to any other. Human beings should not be above nature. Let no one species encroach over the rights and privileges of other species.

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This quote was referred to for a reason. It was to emphasize the quintessential importance of preserving and conserving the environment and its components. Nature is the creator and the destroyer.

According to Charles Darwin , only the fittest is meant to survive. As a creator, nature exists through the flora and fauna in an ecosystem to sustain life. However, in the last few decades, mankind has introduced changes that are detrimental to the existence of both flora and fauna.

These are mostly artificial changes that have certainly interfered with nature’s way of working. It has resulted in climate change, modification in the natural habitats of the animals, and pollution due to deforestation to name a few.

Earlier, there were boundaries existing between human civilization and that of flora and fauna. But the unnatural changes in the environment have now diminished that boundary resulting in human-wildlife conflict. That is the reason why wildlife animals are now often found wandering outside their habitat. This is because humans have hampered the equilibrium that existed.

Let’s understand the laws that impact the protection and conservation of wildlife in India.

Protection of wildlife in India

In India, wildlife conservation and protection are maintained under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (‘The Act’). The Act is a product of the times when environmental jurisprudence was rapidly developing in India with due credit to judicial activism.

The Act was enacted keeping in mind that all previous laws such as the Wild Birds and Animals Protection Act, 1912 were insufficient. The current Act is comprehensive and covers all the gaps that were present in the earlier laws.

However, there are still substantive gaps existing in the present law. There is a vacuum between the theoretical law and its practical implementation. Further, the objective of the Act has also been diluted due to bureaucratic interference.

Overview of the Constitutional framework on wildlife protection

The Constitutional framework for the protection of wildlife, forest, and environment are present under Article 21 of the Constitution of India . The right to life includes the right of living in a clean and healthy environment.

Article 48A of the Directive Principle of State Policy puts a non-binding obligation on the state to protect and conserve the environment and to safeguard forest and wildlife. Article 51A(g) , too, puts a non-binding obligation on the citizens to protect the forest, wildlife, rivers, and animals of the country.

These obligations have been fulfilled by both the central and the state governments by adding the term ‘forest’ under Entry 17A and protection of wildlife and birds to Entry 17B of the Concurrent List by 42nd Constitutional (Amendment) Act, 1976 .

There is a set of laws that concerns itself with environmental protection and wildlife which are:

Some popular wildlife sanctuaries in India

  1. Corbett National park, Uttarakhand
  2. Ranthambore National park, Rajasthan
  3. Bandipur National park, Karnataka
  4. Keoladeo Ghana National park, Rajasthan
  5. Nagarhole National park, Karnataka
  6. Sariska National park, Rajasthan
  7. Kaziranga National park, Assam.

Overview of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

The Act is a small piece of model legislation that only covered birds and animals specified as per the Schedule present under the Act. It gave the State Governments the power to protect and preserve animals and birds as per Section 3 . Section 3 also prohibited the capturing, killing, selling, buying, possessing of the animals including their plumage (feathers).

Section 4 granted an exemption to Section 3, only when the state government was of the opinion that the above-mentioned measures are in the interest of scientific research. A person can then be granted a license subjected to further restrictions if any.

Another exception was available under Section 3. The exception allowed a person to kill or capture animals and birth in self-defence of himself, or other, or in the self-defence of property.

The Wildlife Protection Act protects all kinds of animals from amphibians to birds, mammals, and reptiles under Section 2(1) . The definition is exhaustive and can accommodate a variety of animals within the scope of protection. The Act extends protection to specified plants that cannot be destroyed and damaged without the approval of the government.

Important provisions of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972


Section 1

This Act is named ‘Wild Life Protection Act, 1972’. This Act has been accepted by all the states and it is applicable to the whole of India.

Section 2

This section gives definition of the following words.-

  1. ‘Animal’- According to this section the word animal includes mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and their eggs.
  2. ‘Animal article’- Refers to any article or object made from a wild animal wherein the whole body or a particular part of them has been used. This does not include vermin(wild animals that are harmful to crops, game or farm animals or carry various infectious diseases).
  3. ‘Board’- The advisory board constituted for the wildlife protection and as mentioned in sub-section (1) of section (6).
  4. ‘Captive animal’- Any animal which is kept or bred in captivity, which is described in Schedule 1; Schedule 2; Schedule 3; and Schedule 4. It can also be described as animals which live under human care.
  5. ‘Chief wildlife warden’- It is the statutory authority that heads the wildlife department of a state.
  6. ‘Circus’- It refers to the establishment where animals are made to perform and various tricks are performed on them.
  7. ‘Closed area’- Area which is declared closed for hunting and where hunting is prohibited. It is described in sub-section (1) of Section 37 of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
  8. ‘Collector’- It is a person who is the chief officer in charge of the revenue administration of a district.
  9. ‘Commencement of this Act’- The commencement of the provisions of the Wildlife Protection Act in the state.
  10. ‘Dealer’- Refers to any person who is engaged in the business of buying and selling animal articles, captive animal, trophy, uncurled trophy.
  11. ‘Director’- It refers to a person who has been appointed as the Director of Wildlife Preservation, described in sub-section (1) of Section 3.
  12. ‘Forest Officer’- Refers to the forest officer appointed for the wildlife protection, as described under clause 2 of Section 2 of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
  13. ‘Government Property’- It refers to any property belonging to the government or is in possession of the government, and as described in the provisions of Section 39 of the Wildlife Protection Act,1972.
  14. ‘Habitat’- Any land, water, vegetation which is a natural home of the wild animals.
  15. ‘Hunting’- It includes poisoning, killing, trapping any wild animal or making an attempt to do so. It also includes driving any animal for any particular purpose, injuring any wild animal or any of their body parts or killing the eggs of reptiles and birds, or disturbing the nest or eggs of the reptiles or birds.
  16. ‘Land’- It refers to canals, creeks and other various water channels, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, either artificial or natural.
  17. ‘License’- It refers to any license which has been granted under this Act.
  18. ‘Livestock’- It includes cows, buffalos, donkeys, goats, camels, sheep, pigs, mules, yaks, bulls, horses and also their young ones.
  19. ‘Manufacturer’- Means anyone who makes or manufactures articles made of wild animals.
  20. ‘Meat’- It includes blood, bones, flesh, fat, eggs, sinew, other than vermin, it can be either cooked or raw, of a wild animal.
  21. ‘National park’- Means an area declared by the government as a national park for the protection of animals, as described under section 35 or section 38, or under sub-section (3) of section 66.
  22. ‘Notification’- Notification given by the government for the establishment, maintenance of the wildlife sanctuaries, national parks or any notification published in the Official Gazette.
  23. ‘Permit’- It refers to permission granted under this Act or any provisions or rules of this Act.
  24. ‘Person’- It includes any person and also a firm.
  25. ‘Prescribed’- It refers to anything prescribed by rules under this Act.
  26. ‘Recognised zoo’- It refers to the zoo prescribed under section 38.
  27. ‘Reserve forest’- The area which is declared as reserved for forest by the State Government under this Act, as described under section 20 of The Indian Forest Act, 1972.
  28. ‘Sanctuary’- Means an area which has been declared as sanctuary and as described under section 26(A), or section 38 or sub-section (3) of the Wildlife Protection Act,1972.
  29. ‘Specified plant’- Refers to any plant which has been specified to be protected and as described under Schedule 4 of this Act.
  30. ‘State Government’- Administrator of that union territory appointed by the President under Article 239 of Indian Constitution.
  31. ‘Taxidermy’ – It refers to preserving the dead animals, or any body part partly or wholly in the form of trophies, or skins, rugs, specimens in mounted form by the process of taxidermy or antlers, feathers, teeth, masks, eggs, nests, rhinoceros horns in the form of trophies.
  32. ‘Uncured trophy’- Refers to trophies which have the mounted body part of the wild animal or wild animal wholly, which includes freshly killed animal, mask or other animal product which has not undergone the taxidermy process.
  33. ‘Vehicle’- Means anything which is used as conveyance in the land, water or air and which includes buffalo, camel, donkey, bullock, horse, mule and elephant.
  34. ‘Vermin’- Refers to animals which are dangerous to the crops, farm animals or animals which carry various kinds of diseases, as described in Schedule 5 of this Act.
  35. ‘Weapon’- It refers to any instrument which is capable of killing or proves to be dangerous for the life of wild animals such as bows, arrows, ammunition, firearms, explosives, hooks, nets, traps, knives, snares.
  36. ‘Wild Animals’- This refers to any animal which is of wild nature as compared to other species of animals and includes any animal which is specified in Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 4 or Schedule 5 wherever it is found.
  37. ‘Wildlife Warden’- It means any person appointed by the advisory board members and as specified in Section 4 of this Act.
  38. ‘Zoo’- A licensed dealer who kept captive animals for the public exhibition but not for circus or any other purpose, it can be either stationary or mobile.

Director of Wildlife and Chief Life Warden

Director of wildlife preservation

Chief Wildlife Warden

Power of delegation of the Director of wildlife preservation and Chief Wildlife Warden

Constitution of the National Board for Wildlife

Composition of the Board

Duties of Board

Constitution of the State Board for Wildlife

About the procedure and duties of the State Board

Grant of permit for special purposes under Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

Section 12

This section states that permission for hunting can be granted for special purposes. Under this section, it will be lawful for the Chief Wildlife Warden to grant permission for hunting by giving an order in writing and collecting the prescribed fee from that person so that he may be entitled for hunting for special purposes. Provided that such a permit should be granted with previous permission of the Central Government or State Government. Such special purposes are given below-

  1. For the purpose of education.
  2. For scientific research such as shifting of a wild animal to different habitats to observe the scientific changes in them.
  3. For scientific management such as to maintain the healthy population of any kind of particular species.
  4. For collecting the specimens of various kinds from the animal body so as to display it in a museum or any such similar institutions.
  5. For collecting the snake venom for manufacturing various kinds of medicinal drugs.

Cancellation or suspension of license under Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

Section 13

This section states that the Chief Wildlife Warden or any such authorised officer can cancel or suspend the license of a person, by general or special order of the State Government in writing and also provide such valid reasons for the suspension or cancellation of the license.

Scheduled species under Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 has been divided into six schedules. Each schedule gives a varied form of protection. Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 provide absolute protection to the wild animals and for the violation of such provisions the penalty charged is very high. While in Schedule 3 and Schedule 4 animals are protected here but the penalty charged is low. Schedule 5 states the list of animals which can be hunted and Schedule 6 states the list of specified endemic plants which are prohibited for cultivation and planting.

Schedule 1

Part 1

It contains the following animals namely Andaman wild pig, cheetah, black buck, Indian gazelle, Indian Bison or Gaur, golden cat, hoolock, gangetic dolphin, fishing cat, clouded leopard, chinese pangolin, dugong, Indian elephant, hispid hare, golden cat, desert fox, caracal, desert fox, panther, musk deer, pallas’s cat, pygmy hog, Indian wild ass, marbled cat, slow loris, rhinoceros, snubfin dolphin, tibetan wild ass, tibetan wolf, nilgiri tahr, red panda, leopard cat, wild buffalo, shapu, rusty-spotted cat.

Part 2

It contains the following amphibians and reptiles namely Peacock marked soft-shelled turtle, crocodiles, Indian egg-eating snakes, logger head turtle, golden gecko, terrapin turtle, yellow monitor lizard, green sea turtle, leathery turtle, hawksbill turtle, ganges soft-shelled turtles, audithia turtle, gharial, large bengal monitor lizard, water lizard, pythons.

Part 2 (A)

It contains the following fishes namely Whale shark, himantura fluviatilis, urogymnus asperrimus, rhynchobatus djiddensis, anoxypristis cuspidata, glyphis gangeticus, pristis microdon, glyphis glyphis, carcharhinus hemiodon.

Part 3

It contains birds namely Bengal florican, large falcons, Andaman teal, black-necked crane, swiftlets, monal pheasants, white winged wood duck, large falcons, Great Indian bustard, mountain quail, peafowl, tibetan snow cock, white-eared pheasants, pink-headed duck, great Indian hornbill, narcondam hornbill, tragopan pheasant, fish-eating eagle, siberian white crane, white-bellied hereon, hill myna, vultures, kalij pheasant, tibetan eared pheasant.

Part 4

This contains the list of crustacean and insects namely comic oakblue, cornelian, sapphires, hedge blue, sophisa Chandra, helcyra hemin, admirals, butterfly, tigers, crow black spotted, crow blue spotted, lycaenops, orchid, dillpa morgiana, family pieridae, polydorus coon sambilana, delias samaca, cyllogenes janetae, erebia annada, lethe Europa tamnua, papilio elephenor, symbrenthia silana, polydorus nevilli, colias dubi ,lethe ramdeva, elymnias peali, polydorus coon sambilana, polydorus hector, aporia harrietae harrietae, ypthima doherryi persimilis etc.

Part 4 (A)

This contains the list of coelenterates namely orange pipe coral (Tubipora musica), reef building coral which includes all scleractinians, fire coral which includes all millepora species, black coral which includes all antipatharians, sea fan which includes all gorgonians.

Part 4 (B)

It includes list of mollusca such as tudicla spirallus, cypraecassis rufa, cassis cornuta, tridacna maxima, nautilus pompilius, conus milneedwardsi, tridacna squamosal.

Part 4 (C)

It includes Echinodermata sea cumber which includes all holothurians.

Schedule 2

Part 1

It includes bonnet macaque, Bengal porcupine, common langur, assamese macaque, stump tailed macaque, ferret badgers, wild dog or dhole, pig tailed macaque, Himalayan crestless porcupine, chameleon, Himalyan newtor salamander, spiny tailed lizard.

Part 2

It includes species of beetles and other animals namely stichophthalma nourmahal, enispe cycnus, family amathueidae, discophora dea deadites, faunis sumens assama, amathuxida amythaon amythaon, aemona amathusia amathusia, discophora lepida lepida, family carabidae, gopala pita, acrocrypta rotundata, bimala indica, amara brucei, broscosma gracile, family cucujidae, family danaidae, cucujus bicolor, halpe homolea, amblypodia aenea, charana jalindra, horage onyx, lampides boeticus, everes kala, nacaduba ancyra, mahathala ameria, pratapa deva, rapala icetas, spindasis lohita, tajuria sebonga, tajuria thyia, civets (all species of viverridae Malabar civet), common fox, flying squirrels, king cobra, red fox, weasels, Indian cobra, rat snake, sloth bear, jungle cat, marmots, Himalayan black bear, olivaceous keelback, sperm whale, otters, martens, Himalayan brown bear, checkered keelback snake,jackal, common fox, dog faced water snake, grey jungle fowl, Russel viper, mongooses, varanus species excluding yellow monitor lizard.

Schedule 3

This schedule includes the list of following animals- barking deer, wild pig, chital, sambar, hegdeer, nilgai, hyaena, gorals.

Schedule 4

This schedule includes Indian porcupine, birds other than those which appear in other schedules, polecats which includes vormela peregusna, mustela putorius, five striped palm squirrel, babblers, hedge hog, flamingos, buntings, finches, bulbuls, falcons, bustard qualis, fairy bluebirds, chloropsis, egrets, comb duck, ducks, coots, drongos, cormorants, doves, cranes, cuckoos, darters, curlews, megapodes, flowerpeckers, mannikins, flycatchers, magpies, geese, lorikeets, goldfinch and allies, larks, grebes, kingfishers, gerons, junglefowl, ibises, jacanas, iorars, minivest, owls, pigeons except the blue rock pigeon, starlings, pelicans, partridges, blue jays, pelicans, pipits, stone curlew, spurfowls, plovers, storks, sandgrouses, stilts, swans, thurushes, sunbirds, snipes, oystercatchers, orioles, nightjara, mynas, starlings, tree pies, weaver birds, woodpeckers, amilidae, wrens, viperidae, elapidae, hydrophidae, uropeltidae, typhlopidae, butterflies and moths, freshwater frogs, tortoise, three-keeled turtle, polytrema sinensis, tarucus ananda, polytrema discreta, euthalia lubentina, pelopidas assamensis, mollusca.

Schedule 5

This schedule includes rats, common crows, mice, fruit bats, jackal, bats.

Schedule 6

It includes blue vanda, red vanda, pitcher plant, kuth, beddomes cycad, ladies slipper orchids, pitcher plant.

Sanctuaries under Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

Section 18

This section deals with the declaration of the sanctuary. The sanctuaries are declared by the State government. They have the authority to declare any area as a sanctuary by an official notification any area as wildlife sanctuary, provided that area is not already a reserve forest or have territorial waters. Any area to be declared as a sanctuary should have adequate floral, zoological significance, and adequate ecological, faunal significance for the proper protection and preservation and also for developing proper environment for wild animals.

Section 19

Under section 19 the collector has to determine the nature, extent of a right of any person in or over the land which has been declared as a wildlife sanctuary. He has a right to inquire into the interference of any person with the land which has been reserved as wildlife sanctuary.

Section 21

The notification which has been issued by the state government shall be published in all regional languages by the collector in every town or village, specially in the neighbourhood of the area comprising therein so as to specify the restrictions and limitations of the wildlife sanctuary. It also gives a chance to any other person claiming right over the property to present before the collector within two months from the date of such proclamation. The claim made by such a person must be in written form and should contain the necessary details, the amount, compensation details, if any, claimed in respect of such claim of property.

Section 22

The collector after publishing such notice, should enquire on such claimant. It should ensure that such a person who is claiming on the property which has been declared as wildlife sanctuary has actual right on it and the claim preferred before him was presented according to the section 21 of the Wildlife Protection Act. This can be ascertained from the evidence presented by such a person or from the records of the State Government.

Section 23

Section 23 talks about the powers of the collector which he may exercise during the due course of enquiry. The collector has an authority to send any official or to himself enter in or upon any land for the purpose of investigation, demarcate and make maps of the same.it has power to approach civil court for the trial of suit.

Section 24 and Section 25

Under this section, the collector has to pass an order by rejecting or either by admitting the claim of a person claiming right over a property which has already been declared as the National Park or Sanctuary or Zoo. He can admit or reject the claim either in whole or in part. If the claim is accepted by the collector in whole or in part he shall exclude such land from the list of restricted areas or the areas which has been declared as wildlife sanctuary, or collector may pass an order to proceed to acquire such land by the agreement between the owner of the land and government has agreed to surrender his or her rights upon such property and compensation for the same can be paid, or can allow use of such land by the owner of the land within the limit of sanctuary with the consultation of the Chief Wildlife Warden. The collector may provide compensation in form of money or partly in property with the consent of court or with the consent of claimant.

Section 27

This section talks about the restriction in the sanctuary.

Hunting and poaching are prohibited under the Act with exceptions

The Act prohibits hunting of wild animals specified in Schedules I, II, III, and IV including Indian Elephant, Indian Lion, Snow Leopard, Tiger, and Great Indian Bustard to name a few under Section 9 . However, the ban on hunting is not absolute and it can be permitted in certain cases under Section 11 .

Hunting under Section 11

Hunting under Section 12 is permitted

Hunting rights of scheduled tribes under Section 65

Under Section 39 hunted animals to be government property

Under Section 51 on the violation of laws under Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

The recognition of protected areas under Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

Sanctuaries as a protected area

On the rights of persons affected

National parks as a protected area

Central Government’s power to declare the National Tiger Conservation Authority

Under Section 38K

Under Section 38L

Under Section 38O

Under Section 38U

Under Section 38V

Under Section 38X

Central Zoo authority under Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

Zoos play a vital role in the preservation of wild animals. Section 38A to 38J establishes central zoo authority in India with the objective to conserve biodiversity, particularly animals as per the National Zoo Policy, 1998 and the National Zoo Rules, 1992 (as amended in 2009).

Under Section 38A

Under Section 38B

Function and procedure of the zoo authority

Trade and commerce under Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

Section 39

This section says all the wild animals are Government Property. It states-

Section 43

This section talks about the regulations in the trade and transfer of the animals. It states-

A summarized version of the provision is provided hereunder:

Prevention of offence under Wildlife Protection Act, 1972