COMAP's Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM) are international contests for high school students and college undergraduates. The contests challenge teams of up to three students to analyze, model, solve, and present solution reports to an open-ended application problem. In these contests research, analytics, and applied intelligence are just as important as time management and problem selection. Are you and your team up to it?
Contest teams of up to three students address one of the following six problem choices over the period of the contest weekend.
The contests provide a challenge to solve a real-world application problem, and get recognition for it on an international stage. It's an excellent opportunity to develop your interpersonal skills through teamwork, develop technical writing and communication skills through your written report, feel a sense of accomplishment, and earn an impressive resume credential. Students and advisors report that participation and success in MCM/ICM provides an advantage when applying for internships and jobs.
Schools enjoy the recognition and prestige of being part of COMAP's annual international modeling contest event. COMAP published a press release of the annual contest results that lists advisors, schools, school locations, and awards. Contest participation indicates the school’s support of students’ meaningful application of topics studied in the classroom in preparation for addressing a variety of problems in the real-world. The contest can provide impetus and justification for developing more applied courses and for integrating modeling into current courses.
MCM/ICM offer your team and school the chance to win prizes. The 2025 International COMAP Scholarship Award will be awarded to the six(6) top MCM/ICM teams from any of the participating countries/regions; $9000 being split among the team members and $1000 to the school represented. Awards will be announced on or before May 30th each year.